Group Agency Manager, Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad
Life Planning Advisor, Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad
Registered Financial Planner, MFPC
Associate Estate Planning Practitioner, EPPL
About Me 关于我
I am a powerful man who has big ambitious. I quit from engineering field and transform to be an entrepreneur when I was 23 years old. From an insurance sales transform become one stop solution services. From single way business become business networking system. It is time to grow to a BETTER person.
My Education 我的学历
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
AWG is a team with great spirit and winning team. Our ultimate goal is become the top financial servicing team in Malaysia. Welcome to be part of us and we grow together.
My Achievements 我的成就
My Testimonials 我的推荐
We are truly grateful to have Andrew to assist us on getting back my child’s huge amount of medical claim during MCO periods. It was not a straight forward claim as the treatment was done in overseas. Andrew followed our case closely and promptly updated us throughout the process. Thankfully we managed to get the most of the amount back which greatly minimized our financial burden.
Andrew demonstrated to us what a professional insurance agent should be. We amazed on his excellent customer service, responsive on our insurances’ needs, and his work on getting claims back. This is the reason that we always recommended him to our friends and family members as we want them to be on a good hand when insurance claim is needed.
By Tang Poh Fung
My Services 我的服务
Personal & Family Wealth Management 个人及家庭财务管理
Life Insurance Services 人寿保险服务
Medical Planning 医药卡规划 Critical Illness Planning 疾病险规划 Debt Planning 债务清除规划 Retirement Planning 退休规划 & MORE
General Insurance Services 普通保险服务
Car Insurance 汽车保险 Fire Insurance 火险 Personal Accident Insurance 意外保险 Travel Insurance 旅游保险 & MORE
Estate Planning Services 资产规划服务
Wills Writing Services 缮写遗嘱服务 Will Custody Services 遗嘱保管服务 Trustee Services 信托服务 Comprehensive Estate Planning 全方位资产规划 & MORE
Corporate Financing Services 企业理财服务
Business Succession Planning 企业继承规划 Business Continuation Planning 企业持续经营规划 Company Debt Cancellation Scheme 公司债务清除计划 Keyman Compensation Scheme 企业要员补偿计划 Employee Benefit Program 员工福利计划 & MORE