I am very happy to have chosen someone who provides professional services and seriously engages in the insurance industry, taking into account professional knowledge, conduct, service attitude, and sense of responsibility. Explaining the policy is not exaggerated, and planning is based on actual needs and abilities, not for the purpose of earning commissions. She is a very good insurance salesperson. She knows how to assist customers in planning suitable insurance policies, rather than making random recommendations to earn higher commissions. She has a warm and professional service attitude, and provided me with a lot of very good suggestions. Insurance helps a lot.
我就帮我五岁女儿跟 STELLA NG PENG HOON 買了一份保险,她的服务很好也很有耐心的解释,如果你们家境经济非常有限,你可以告诉她,她能帮你计划和规划你所要的医疗保单。
By 丽雯姐
My Services 我的服务
Personal & Family Wealth Management 个人及家庭财务管理
Life Insurance Services 人寿保险服务
Medical Planning 医药卡规划 Critical Illness Planning 疾病险规划 Debt Planning 债务清除规划 Retirement Planning 退休规划 & MORE
General Insurance Services 普通保险服务
Car Insurance 汽车保险 Fire Insurance 火险 Personal Accident Insurance 意外保险 Travel Insurance 旅游保险 & MORE
Estate Planning Services 资产规划服务
Wills Writing Services 缮写遗嘱服务 Will Custody Services 遗嘱保管服务 Trustee Services 信托服务 Comprehensive Estate Planning 全方位资产规划 & MORE
Corporate Financing Services 企业理财服务
Business Succession Planning 企业继承规划 Business Continuation Planning 企业持续经营规划 Company Debt Cancellation Scheme 公司债务清除计划 Keyman Compensation Scheme 企业要员补偿计划 Employee Benefit Program 员工福利计划 & MORE